AGM Held Remotely
Following on from the successes of other BECTU Branch AGMs, the Post Production & Facilities Branch AGM was held over Zoom with a total of 31 participants. The Chair’s report, given by Meredith Leece, explained that we had grown by 13.8% from last year’s AGM to over 1000 members making PP&F the 4th largest Branch in the London Production Division (LPD).
An overview of the year’s achievements was presented outlining the 2019 Post Fest, updates and additions to our rate cards, our ongoing campaigns such as #eyeshalfshut, and the continuing negotiations with PACT. Our recent “TRA Presents” webinars were also mentioned, with thanks given to those who have put in so much effort to make them the successes they have been. More webinars to come soon!
Riccardo Bacigalupo gave the Secretary’s report outlining attendance whilst Steve Little spoke on behalf of the Post Sound contingent who have gone from strength to strength this year. Dan Roberts and Aideen Johnston explained the new Sustainability Divisional Subcommittee which has been created to tackle the problem of sustainability in the industry.
New Committee Elected
A total of 11 current Committee members stood for re-election, with 4 stepping down. We thank Mark Neale, Rab Wilson, Simon Chase, and Eliane Lazzaris for their work with the Committee and hope to continue working with them as active Branch members in the future.
After a vote to change the relevant Branch by-laws passed, an additional 6 new members were elected to the Committee which is now 17 members strong! The Committee for ‘20 - ‘21 now consists of:
Meredith Leece (Chair)
Riccardo Bacigalupo (Secretary)
Dan Roberts (Minutes Secretary, LPD Rep)
Toby Nutter (Comms officer)
Adele Fletcher
Aideen Johnston
Andrew Evans (Training Rep)
Chris Chow
Eleanor Adler
Emma Bayat (Training Rep)
Jo Jackson
Kallis Shamaris
Kat Janes
Paschalla Sharpe
Peter Warnock (LPD Rep)
Simon Brasse
Steve Little
Rab Wilson is also elected to the LPD in a caretaker role to train new LPD reps before stepping down. All other roles within the committee will be voted on at the next meeting.
Additional Points
Also discussed was the issue of Diversity in Post. As a branch we are running two surveys to find out the makeup of our industry and advising those in hiring positions to make a concerted effort to hire a more diverse workforce. We will be working on this issue more in the coming year.Finally there was a discussion on current working conditions, COVID19 back to work advice, and the BECTU New Deal. These issues will be discussed more in future meetings.
Additional COVID-19 links:
COVID.19 - at The Rough Assembly website -
COVID.19 - Government website -
COVID.19 - BECTU Return To Work -
COVID.19 - Section 44 -
If you have any questions please use our new email addresses:,, and