Suggestion Bin
The Suggestion Bin is a new way for members to send in suggestions for the Branch. Your idea could be a new way we could support members, an idea for an event, training or projects, or something that you have identified as a problem in your job. Throughout the year members will vote on the ideas to determine the priorities for the branch.​
Ideas topics:
Issues you want to fix in the industry
New ways the branch could support members
New ways Bectu could support members
Ideas for the Head of Bectu
Ideas for the campaigns
Resource ideas
Training ideas
Social media ideas
Website ideas
Idea examples:
“I’m frustrated by our working hours in feature films”
“I think we should have an event on how to be an Editor”
“Assistant Editor’s Toolkit for VFX”
“I think we should be on a different post production agreement”
“I have a grand plan for the branch and want to help”
“I want to help trainees get the right rights”
“I’ve had a bad experience with bullying by post supervisors, what can we do about it?”
“I have some experience running events and want to help”.
“I’d like to help with an assistant editor’s toolkit for unscripted
“Can we share more X,Y,Z on social media?”
“Can we send more regular newsletters?”