What is Bectu?
BECTU is the Broadcasting, Entertainment, Communications and Theatre Union which represents over 40,000 staff, contract and freelance workers in the media and entertainment industries. BECTU offers protection, independent advice and support and negotiates our pay and conditions with PACT. Find out more about BECTU here.
BECTU is a sector of Prospect, a wider union representing over 155,000 members in the UK. It has no political affiliation.
BECTU consists of five divisions:
Arts and Entertainment
London Production Division
Regional Production Division
Independent Broadcasting
The Post Production & Facilities branch is part of the London Production Division (LPD), the largest division of BECTU. It represents the craft branches within London such as the Art Department and the Costume Branch. All these branches come together at the quarterly LPD Committee meetings to report on and discuss matters concerning their branches. We send two representatives to LPD Committee meetings as we have over 1000 members, and branches are allowed 1 rep per 500 members.